Results for 'Pascual Casañ Muñoz'

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  1.  92
    Fast backprojections from the motion to the primary visual area necessary for visual awareness.Alvaro Pascual-Leone & Vincent Walsh - 2001 - Science 292 (5516):510-512.
  2.  48
    Ethical Reputation of Financial Institutions: Do Board Characteristics Matter?Laura Baselga-Pascual, Antonio Trujillo-Ponce, Emilia Vähämaa & Sami Vähämaa - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):489-510.
    This paper examines the association between board characteristics and the ethical reputation of financial institutions. Given the pivotal governance role of the board of directors and the value-relevance of ethical corporate behavior, we postulate a positive relationship between ethical reputation and board features that foster more effective monitoring and oversight. Using a sample of large financial institutions from 13 different countries, we run several alternative panel regressions of ethical reputation on board characteristics and firm-specific controls. Our results demonstrate that the (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Schwerkraft und Weltall.Pascual Jordan - 1952 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
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    Fundamentalismo ideológico, intolerancia social, neolengua y culto al agravio. Una revisión de la “Doctrina woke” como factor de alteración del orden constitucional.Daniel Sansó-Rubert Pascual - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (52).
    El artículo, sin ánimo de llevar a cabo una minuciosa retrospectiva histórica acerca de los inicios, recorrido y actualidad de la evolución de la denominada como “Doctrina woke”, la evolución y el cariz de los acontecimientos protagonizados por sus defensores y simpatizantes en la última década, plantea algunas reflexiones que permitan entender de dónde parte y en qué se ha transformado este fenómeno. Básicamente, al albur de los hechos, trata de dilucidar cómo y en qué medida este planteamiento ideológico y (...)
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  5. Neuroética y metaética desde el juicio moral y desde la explicación moral.Beltrán Pascual & María Pilar - 2023 - Madrid: Ápeiron Ediciones.
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    Early years of quantum mechanics: some reminiscences.Pascual Jordan - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra (ed.), The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 294--299.
  7. Liturgia de la Horas y obediencia benedictina:(desde un día de Cuaresma hasta la fiesta de San Matías, apóstol).Francisco Rafael de Pascual - 2009 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 33 (67):177-190.
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  8. La limitada racionalidad humana.Pascual F. Martínez Freire - 2002 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 7:101-114.
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    Naturerkenntnis gibt den Glauben frei- Abbruch einer Mauer.Pascual Jordan - 1963 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 15 (2):154-164.
    Die nachfolgenden Texte sind ein Vorabdruck aus dem Buche "Der Naturwissenschaftler vor der religiösen Frage", welches vom Verfasser unter Förderung durch einen Forschungsauftrag der Klopstock-Stiftung zur Zeit bearbeitet wird. Teil I und II gehören zum Kapitel "Naturerkenntnis als Glaubensanfechtung" ; Teil III gehört zum Kapitel "Die Physik im 20..Jahr-hundert". - Das Buch soll im Herbst 1963 erscheinen.
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    The Expanding Earth.Pascual Jordan - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra (ed.), The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 60--70.
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  11. «Amicus Plato, quia amica veritas».Fernando Pascual - 2010 - Alpha Omega 13 (1):3-28.
    This study considers in a contextualized manner the origin of the saying «amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas», as well as how some authors from the past have taken it. Then it considers in what sense it is legitimate to complement that saying with another one , and why this complement is important: a good philosophy must honor some thinkers as friends and fellow wayfarers in the search for human wisdom.
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  12. Biología anímica.Antonio Pascual Ferrández - 1972 - Barcelona,: Edit. Peñíscola.
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  13. Transcranial magnetic stimulation and the human brain: an ethical evaluation.Megan S. Steven & Pascual-Leone & Alvaro - 2005 - In Judy Illes (ed.), Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press.
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  14.  20
    The Relationship Between Executive Functions and Academic Performance in Primary Education: Review and Meta-Analysis.Alejandra Cortés Pascual, Nieves Moyano Muñoz & Alberto Quílez Robres - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  15. Physics of the 20th Century.Pascual Jordan - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54:627.
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  16.  29
    From Smart City to Smart Society: A quality-of-life ontological model for problem detection from user-generated content.Carlos Periñán-Pascual - 2023 - Applied ontology 18 (3):263-306.
    Social-media platforms have become a global phenomenon of communication, where users publish content in text, images, video, audio or a combination of them to convey opinions, report facts that are happening or show current situations of interest. Smart-city applications can benefit from social media and digital participatory platforms when citizens become active social sensors of the problems that occur in their communities. Indeed, systems that analyse and interpret user-generated content can extract actionable information from the digital world to improve citizens’ (...)
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  17.  25
    Fictive interaction within the sentence: A communicative type of fictivity in grammar.Esther Pascual - 2006 - Cognitive Linguistics 17 (2).
  18.  7
    Ciudadanía y vida social bajo el velo integral || Citizenship and social life under the burka.Cristina García Pascual - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 33:42-67.
    RESUMEN: El debate sobre el velo islámico, en sus múltiples formas, se mantiene en Europa desde hace décadas y parece estar lejos de poder darse por concluido. Sobre el modo en que van vestidas algunas mujeres musulmanas se extrae una consecuencia clara: una mujer velada es una mujer sometida, sumisa y controlada en el marco de un modelo patriarcal especialmente duro. Pero ¿es esto así? ¿la indumentaria de las mujeres nos ofrece toda esa información? o más aun ¿nos indica sin (...)
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  19.  26
    Future Intentions of Fitness Center Customers: Effect of Emotions, Perceived Well-Being and Management Variables.Fernando García-Pascual, Vicente Prado-Gascó, Mario Alguacil, Irena Valantine & Ferran Calabuig-Moreno - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  20.  8
    De la negación a la catarsis. El debate en torno a la pandemia de la COVID-19 1.María Cristina García Pascual - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 40.
    En la gran discusión pública en torno a la pandemia de la COVID-19 fueposible identificar cuatro líneas argumentales que contenían un análisis delevento pandémico, una valoración y una predicción o propuesta futuro. Laprimera fue la de la negación o el engaño bajo el paradigma del Estado deexcepción permanente. La segunda cifró el peligro en la posible inacción delos Estados y en la consiguiente violación de la dignidad humana. La terceraconsideró la pandemia un acelerador de la crisis de los sistemas democráticosy (...)
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  21.  34
    Randomised clinical trials: a source of ethical dilemmas.F. Verdu-Pascual - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):177-178.
    Advances in medicine are closely linked to clinical research, but certain study procedures may be in conflict with the fundamental principles of ethics and codes of conduct in medicine. Following an analysis of two studies involving treatments for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), the admissibility of continuing a study was questioned after the initial results for two types of treatment showed that one was significantly better than the other. Also considered doubtful was the information provided to patients with the object of (...)
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  22.  13
    (1 other version)Atom und Weltall.Pascual Jordan - 1960 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
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  23. Erkenntnis Und Besinnung Grenzbetrachtungen Aus Naturwiss. Sicht.Pascual Jordan - 1972 - Stalling.
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  24.  29
    Physics of the 20th century.Pascual Jordan - 1944 - New York,: Philosophical library. Edited by Eleanor Oshry.
    This Dover edition, first published in 1968, is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the work originally published in 1959 under the title Science for ...
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  25.  17
    Quantenlogik und das Kommutative Gesetz.Pascual Jordan, Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes & Alfred Tarski - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):353-353.
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  26. Logical analysis of fictionalism with respect to the theory of truth..Ricardo Roque Pascual - 1939 - Dissertation, University of Chicago
  27. L’aborto di fronte alla filosofia.Fernando Pascual - 2010 - Alpha Omega 13 (3):333-354.
    Abortion must be considered with the aid of philosophy: from a metaphysical, anthropological and ethical point of view. This article attempts to show some of the principal areas in the relationship between abortion and philosophy following four movements. The problem is presented , then Plato's and Aristotle’s attitude with regard to abortion are analysed . Nextly there follows a synthetic overview of modern thought on the subject and some bioethical solutions that have deep philosophical roots are proposed . Finally the (...)
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  28. Mental attention, not language, may explain evolutionary growth of human intelligence and brain size.Juan Pascual-Leone - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (1):19-20.
    Using neoPiagetian theory of mental attention (or working memory), I task-analyze two complex performances of great apes and one symbolic performance (funeral burials) of early Homo sapiens. Relating results to brain size growth data, I derive estimates of mental attention for great apes, Homo erectus, Neanderthals, and modern Homo sapiens, and use children's cognitive development as reference. This heuristic model seems consistent with research.
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  29.  95
    The forms of knowing in the psychological organism: Reflections on Royce and Rozeboom (eds.), Psychology of knowing.Juan Pascual-Leone - 1976 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 6 (2):175-181.
  30. ? Es posible la inteligencia artificial?J. Sanz Pascual - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 4 (10):56-71.
  31.  83
    Does Greenwashing Pay Off? Understanding the Relationship Between Environmental Actions and Environmental Legitimacy.Pascual Berrone, Andrea Fosfuri & Liliana Gelabert - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2):363-379.
    Do firms gain environmental legitimacy when they conform to external expectations regarding the natural environment? Drawing on institutional logic and signaling theory, we investigate sources of heterogeneity in the impacts of environmental actions on environmental legitimacy. Longitudinal data about 325 publicly traded U.S. firms in polluting industries support the notion that environmental actions help firms gain environmental legitimacy. However, some actions instead can harm this legitimacy if environmental performance deteriorates and the firm is subject to intense scrutiny from nongovernmental organizations. (...)
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  32.  42
    Informed consent doesn't exist in AMI trials.F. Verdu-Pascual - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (3):190-191.
    Hilden and Gammelgaard's comments on the evaluation and application of statistical trials and on informed consent lead to the same conclusion that there are special circumstances when clinical trials are performed in emergency situations.The decision to comment on the work that H&G responded to was motivated by the wish to manifest the need to reach a consensus on modifying the conditions in which clinical trials should be performed in special circumstances.One unquestionable fact must first be addressed: clinical trials are necessary (...)
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  33.  24
    Gender Differences in Meaningful Leisure Among Older Adults: Joint Displays of Four Phenomena.Nuria Jaumot-Pascual, María Jesús Monteagudo, Douglas A. Kleiber & Jaime Cuenca - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:358928.
    Vital events, such as widowhood and retirement, are broadly accepted as points of inflection in the lives of older adults that often differ according to gender. In this study, we analyzed the influence of gender differences in meaningful leisure among older adults through the integration of qualitative and quantitative findings. The use of joint displays revealed that: (1) there is no significant difference between the influence of retirement and widowhood on the two genders, (2) the ethic of care is a (...)
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  34. Erkenntnis und Besinnung.Pascual Jordan - 1972 - Oldenburg,: Hamburg Stalling.
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  35. Forschung macht Geschichte.Pascual Jordan - 1954 - Frankfurt am Main,: V. Klostermann.
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  36.  10
    Agustín, buscador en compañía.Fernando Pascual - 2017 - Alpha Omega 20 (1):81-94.
    The present article develops a synthesis of different ideas of St. Augustine about dialogue and human education, on the basis of five works of the Bishop of Hippo, giving special attention to his statements about the way in which the one who is speaking and the one who is listening should relate to each other.
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    Educación y comunicación en Platón: una contribución al debate actual en torno a la escuela de Tubinga-Milán.Fernando Pascual - 1996 - Barcelona: PPU.
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  38.  54
    Hidden operators of mental attention applying on LTM give the illusion of a separate working memory.Juan Pascual-Leone - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (5):709-711.
    The authors' results support a functionalist conception of working memory: a manifold repertoire of schemes/schemas (long-term memory) and a small set of general-purpose “hidden operators.” Using some of these operators I define mental (i.e., endogenous) attention. Then, analyzing two of the authors' unexplained important findings, I illustrate the mental-attention model's explanatory power. Multivariate methodology that varies developmental, task differences, and individual differences is recommended.
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  39.  13
    Identidad e invisibilidad en el análisis de la violencia contra las mujeres con discapacidad.María del Pilar Gomiz Pascual - 2021 - Dilemata 36:55-67.
    This article tries to make visible the situations of violence to which women with disabilities are often subjected, due to the fact that they are a woman and have a disability. A violence that goes beyond the private sphere where we usually frame what we usually call gender violence, and that is sometimes difficult to identify, since it is normalized not only by society, but also by the environment of women and even sometimes by herself. To achieve our objective, we (...)
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  40. Introduction to legal philosophy.Crisólito Pascual - 2003 - [Quezon City, Philippines]: University Press Law Center.
  41. Perspectivas éticas de la guerra actual.José Pascual López - 1968 - Madrid,: Editorial ZYX.
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  42.  28
    Some myths are slow to die.Rafael Salin-Pascual, Dmitry Gerashchenko & Priyattam J. Shiromani - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):999-1000.
    Solms and the other authors in this series of BBS target articles accept the findings that the executive control of the REM/NREM cycle is still localized within a narrow region of the pontine brainstem. However, recent findings challenge this notion. We will review the recent data and suggest instead that the hypothalamus is the primary regulator of states of consciousness. If the hypothalamus indeed controls all the fun stuff, such as sex, eating, drinking, sleeping, and so on, then one can (...)
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  43.  5
    Una cultura de la verdad.Julián Sanz Pascual - 2016 - Salamanca: Editorial Amarante.
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  44.  14
    Una pastoral para los jóvenes hoy.Pascual Chávez Villanueva - 2023 - Isidorianum 13 (26):467-483.
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  45.  12
    Documentación inédita sobre la reforma del Monasterio de Benedictinas de Santa María de Carbajal (1525-1528).Ernesto Zaragoza Pascual - 2010 - Salmanticensis 57 (2):307-363.
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  46. Libros que alimentaban la vida espiritual de los benedictinos vallisoletanos del siglo XV,“.Ernesto Zaragoza Pascual - 1977 - Nova et Vetera 3:267-279.
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  47. La sillería de San Benito el Real de Valladolid.Ernesto Zaragoza Pascual - 1985 - Nova et Vetera 19:151-180.
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  48.  25
    Una aproximación conexionista a los procesos mentales. Entrevista con James L. McClelland.Belén Pascual & James L. McClelland - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico 38 (3):841-855.
    In this interview, James L. McClelland responds to questions regarding connectionist models of cognition, a theory inspired by information processing in the brain. McClelland explains the distinction between symbolic and non-symbolic processing for a better understanding of mental processes. He argues that connectionist models can perform the computations which we know the brain can perform. In addition, he responds to several general questions on the perspectives of computational models of cognition.
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  49.  22
    The effect of stereotypes and prejudices regarding gender roles on the relation between nurses and “Muslim fathers” in health institutions within the Community of Madrid.Juan Luis González-Pascual, Laura Esteban-Gonzalo, Marta Rodríguez-García, Sagrario Gómez-Cantarino & Manuel Moreno-Preciado - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (4):e12194.
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  50.  10
    Die Physik des 20. Jahrhunderts; Einführung in den Gedankeninhalt der modernen Physik.Pascual Jordan - 1936 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
    Das vorliegende Buch versucht in einer systematischen Ge­ samtübersicht den Gedankeninhalt der modernen Physik zu er­ läutern. Mit Einzelheiten der experimentellen Technik sollte der Leser dabei ebensowenig belastet werden, wie mit den mathe­ matischen Formulierungen der Theorie; ohne uns zu sehr in der Fülle betrachtenswerter Einzelheiten zu verlieren, wollen wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die entscheidenden Tatsachen und Einsichten, auf die leitenden Gesichtspunkte der Forschung richten - und auf die geistige Einstellung, welche der modernen Physik ihr charakteristisches philosophisches Gepräge gibt, und (...)
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